Christian Degnbol Madsen

WORKSHOP: Introduction to git collaboration

Git is a tool often used in projects involving programming to keep track of the history of the project, and to share and collaborate with other researchers. In this workshop we will set up a project on GitHub and go through basic git commands in the shell relevant to collaboration. Potential use-cases of branching will be covered, as well as some general best practise suggestions. Useful shell customisation will also be shown, as for example adding autocompletion to git commands. We will go over some git settings, such as configuring useful aliases. Finally, we will present more advanced uses, such as interacting with git through the terminal editor (neo)vim.

Keywords: Git, GitHub, shell

Relevance: Students and early career researchers who are not already well-versed in git.

Requirements: Basic knowledge of unix shell would be helpful but not necessary. A laptop with a unix shell (e.g. mac or linux) is required to follow presented commands. For windows users, using an emulator, virtual machine or similar may work as well.

Mr Christian Degnbol Madsen

PhD student, University of Melbournee

I joined the Theoretical Systems Biology Group at the University of Melbourne as a PhD student in September 2021, currently with a focus on the computational side of applying topological data analysis to biological data. I completed a Bachelor’s in biotechnology and Master’s in bioinformatics and systems biology at the Technical University of Denmark. Most projects I have worked on have contained a strong computational component, such as machine learning aided binding prediction, bioinformatical pipeline design for antibody discovery, and inference of transcriptional regulation (