Vini Salazar

WORKSHOP: Version Control with Git

presented by Melbourne Bioinformatics

This hands-on introductory workshop is designed for scientists looking to incorporate Git and GitHub into their research workflows. Over the course of three hours, participants will learn the fundamentals of version control, including how to track changes, collaborate with others, and manage research projects using Git. The workshop will cover essential commands for initializing repositories, committing changes, and branching, as well as strategies for effectively using GitHub for remote collaboration, sharing code, and managing project contributions. By the end of the session, participants will have practical experience setting up and managing their own Git repositories, pushing changes to GitHub, and understanding best practices for version control in scientific research. No prior experience with Git or GitHub is required, making this workshop ideal for beginners eager to improve their project management and collaborative skills in a scientific context.

Keywords: version control, software engineering, scientific computing, reproducible research

Requirements: Personal laptop, familiarity with command-line tools is helpful but not required

Relevance: Anyone with no previous experience with version control but that is incorporating code into their research or analysis

Vini Salazar
Academic Specialist, Melbourne Bioinformatics

I am a bioinformatician with a background in marine biology and research software engineering. I enjoy contributing to open-source software and helping people develop their coding and data skills. My areas of expertise are metagenomics, Python programming, and microbial oceanography.